{"version":3,"file":"index-yH8xOQGv.js","sources":["../../src/components/SupportersCarousel.tsx","../../src/app/page.tsx","../../src/components/authCtx.tsx","../../src/components/Navbar.tsx","../../src/components/Button.tsx","../../src/components/Footer.tsx","../../src/components/ComputerSection.tsx","../../src/components/Team.tsx","../../src/components/ApplicationForm.tsx","../../src/components/Header.tsx","../../../portrait-2.png","../../src/app/mission/page.tsx","../../src/app/story/page.tsx","../../src/app/unlocked/page.tsx","../../src/app/coding-education/page.tsx","../../src/app/tech-consulting/page.tsx","../../src/app/press/page.tsx","../../src/app/careers/page.tsx","../../src/components/ContactForm.tsx","../../src/app/contact/page.tsx","../../src/components/loading.tsx","../../src/app/careers/viewJob.tsx","../../src/components/error.tsx","../../src/components/LoginForm.tsx","../../src/components/editCareerForm.tsx","../../src/components/addCareerForm.tsx","../../src/components/addPressForm.tsx","../../src/app/team/addTeamMember.tsx","../../src/app/team/page.tsx","../../src/app/team/editTeamMember.tsx","../../src/App.tsx","../../src/main.tsx"],"sourcesContent":["import { useState } from 'react';\nexport const ascendium = '/supporters/ascendium.png';\nexport const blueRidge = '/supporters/blueRidge.png';\nexport const camelback = '/supporters/camelback.png';\nexport const mellon = '/supporters/mellon.png';\nexport const milken = '/supporters/milken.png';\nexport const MITSolve = '/supporters/MITSolve.png';\nexport const newProfit = '/supporters/newProfit.png';\nexport const pluralsight = '/supporters/pluralsight.png';\nexport const roddenberry = '/supporters/roddenberry.png';\nexport const schmidt = '/supporters/schmidt.png';\nexport const dreamorg = '/supporters/dreamorg.png';\nexport const fastforward = '/supporters/fastforward.png';\nexport const impactAccelerator = '/supporters/impactAccelerator.png';\nexport const kaplan = '/supporters/kaplan.png';\nexport const turso = '/supporters/turso.png';\n\nconst imagesArray = [\n ascendium,\n blueRidge,\n camelback,\n mellon,\n milken,\n MITSolve,\n newProfit,\n pluralsight,\n roddenberry,\n schmidt,\n dreamorg,\n fastforward,\n impactAccelerator,\n kaplan,\n turso\n];\n\nlet intervalID: any = null;\n\nexport function SupportersCarousel() {\n let [currSlide, setCurrSlide] = useState(0);\n\n if (intervalID) {\n clearInterval(intervalID);\n }\n intervalID = setInterval(shiftCarouselNext, 4000);\n\n function stopInterval() {\n clearInterval(intervalID);\n }\n\n function shiftCarouselNext() {\n if (currSlide == 2) setCurrSlide(0);\n else setCurrSlide(currSlide + 1);\n }\n\n return (\n
\n We collaborate with the Department of Corrections,\n educators, universities, and individuals with lived\n experience to increase access to education, gather data, and\n achieve successful outcomes, collectively working towards\n reducing recidivism rates and building a safer, more just\n society.\n
\n\n We develop innovative products to bridge educational\n gaps in correctional facilities, ensuring consistent\n protocols and gathering valuable data, while also\n preparing justice-impacted individuals for sustainable\n employment.\n
\n\n UnlockEd is a platform that enables corrections\n departments to expand educational offerings,\n collect data, track outcomes, and provide\n learning experiences for incarcerated students.\n
\n\n We offer consulting services for a spectrum of\n projects. We train and hire returning citizens\n to fulfill contract work, providing effective\n solutions enriched by their insider perspective.\n
\n\n We provide an offline Intro to Web Development\n that can be administered inside of prison on\n Department of Corrections-approved laptops.\n
\n\n The United States faces an alarming 83% recidivism rate.\n We're on a mission to drive these numbers down.\n
\n \n\n Learn more about our why\n
{' '}\n\n Over 70% of our team has first hand experience living or\n working in the corrections system. This personal\n understanding of the challenges allows us to build\n effective tools, addressing the real needs of end-users.\n
\n \nLearn more about our team
{' '}\n\n The U.S. spends over{' '}\n \n
\n $81 billion per year\n \n
on incarceration, yet 68% of\n returning citizens are rearrested within 3 years.\n
\n Mass incarceration is unsustainable. Education and\n employment are the most effective solution in reducing\n recidivism rates, yet very few of these opportunities exist\n for those who are incarcerated. We're on a mission to\n build a better justice system from the inside out.\n
\n\n Unlocked Labs has evolved from a project within a prison in\n Potosi, Missouri, to a{' '}\n \n nationwide movement.\n \n
\n \n\n Since 2022, Unlocked Labs has been dedicated to enhancing\n education in prisons and employing returning citizens upon\n release, encouraging a collective re-imagining of a more\n equitable justice system. This is how we got to where we are\n today.\n
\n\n UnlockEd enables the justice system to transition towards{' '}\n \n evidence-based, data-driven{' '}\n \n practices.\n
\n \n\n In corrections, the current challenges lie in the lack of\n effective solutions for deploying education access and\n centralizing data. The lack of data and tools makes\n implementing evidence-based practices nearly impossible,\n resulting in unsafe, overcrowded prisons.
\n That’s why were building UnlockEd, an education platform\n that enables corrections departments to expand educational\n offerings, track outcomes, and provide learning experiences\n for incarcerated students.\n
\n At Unlocked Labs, we believe in collaboration. We work as\n your partners, not just vendors, to deploy tools tailored to\n fit seamlessly into your corrections environment.{' '}\n
Join us in transforming the\n landscape of corrections through innovation.\n
\n UnlockEd is an open-source project built collaboratively by\n our dedicated team. We believe in the power of transparency\n and community contribution. Our codebase is publicly\n available, and we welcome developers to join us in improving\n and evolving the platform.\n
\n \n\n We provide{' '}\n \n free, open-source education{' '}\n \n to empower justice-impacted students.\n
\n \n\n In partnership with{' '}\n \n LaunchCode\n \n , we operate a coding education program inside of multiple\n facilities nationwide. We help incarcerated students embark\n on their coding journey, catering to individuals of all\n experience levels and providing the essential components\n needed to start learning.\n
\n\n Our 6-month flagship program teaches object oriented\n concepts, elevating learners' understanding of\n computer science. This framework provides the\n foundational scaffolding essential for crafting\n sophisticated web applications capable of seamlessly\n storing data in a local database, positioning learners\n to excel when pursuing opportunities in the field.\n
\n\n This course is run in computer labs and/or with a Department\n of Corrections approved laptop that includes a metal-free\n keyboard, with no USB, camera or networking capabilities.\n
\n\n Those who complete the program on the inside will\n receive a LaunchCode certification of completion and are\n eligible for 8 credits at Washington University in St.\n Louis along with other participating colleges to\n complete the Intro to Computer Science requirements for\n continued education. Since this program's\n inception, multiple graduates have gone on to pursue\n computer science as their careers post release.\n
\n\n The Alliance for Higher Education in Prison mobilizes talent\n and resources toward expanding higher education and academic\n reentry support services to incarcerated and formerly\n incarcerated individuals. Entering the next phase of their\n mission and looking for a new website, the Alliance\n contracted with Unlocked Labs to determine how to best\n communicate their action plan.\n
\n Our engineering manager and our justice-involved apprentices\n worked in conjunction with the Alliance to\n \n {' '}\n recommend a revamped website design and business model\n to support higher education initiatives in prison.\n \n
\n {' '}\n \n Lucy Johnson{' '}\n \n reported that a{' '}\n \n Black\n {' '}\n male with\n \n {' '}\n brown hair{' '}\n \n wearing a black jacket assaulted her in{' '}\n \n Midtown\n \n , next to{' '}\n \n Johnson\n \n 's home. She reported the incident to\n \n {' '}\n Officer Lee\n \n .\n
\n\n {' '}\n \n [Victim 1]{' '}\n \n reported that a{' '}\n \n [race]\n {' '}\n male with\n \n {' '}\n [hair color]{' '}\n \n wearing a black jacket assaulted her in{' '}\n \n [neighborhood]\n \n , next to{' '}\n \n [Victim 1]\n \n 's home. She reported the incident to\n \n {' '}\n [Officer 1]\n \n .\n
\n\n Stanford University's Computational Policy Lab has\n created a “blind charging” algorithm that automatically\n removes race-related details from crime reports, thereby\n minimizing the impact of racial bias in prosecutorial\n charging decisions.
\n The lab has hired Unlocked Labs to{' '}\n \n {' '}\n employ formerly incarcerated developers to build their\n website in addition to writing test-harnesses and\n training the AI algorithm itself.\n \n This initiative will aid prosecutors nationwide in adhering\n to the increasing prevalence of race-blind mandates in the\n evolving legal landscape.\n
\n Graduates of our coding education program supported Raj\n Jaladi in building a natural language processing prototype\n that predicts whether a legal case or situation involves a\n violation of an article or amendment of the U.S.\n Constitution.
\n Our team members worked with Raj to{' '}\n \n {' '}\n build out a user interface that allows individuals to\n input text and generate a response from an AI chat bot\n trained on case summaries of the Supreme Court.{' '}\n \n The web-UI consists of a simple text input, where a user can\n type in a question and/or topic summary, and the response is\n displayed below the text box.\n
\n Unlocked Labs{' '}\n \n trains and hires\n {' '}\n returning citizens to do contract software development\n work upon release.\n
\n \n\n Those formerly incarcerated, despite their training and\n credentials, face barriers in securing high-paying,\n career-advancing jobs. Our approach enables talented\n individuals to access upwardly mobile employment upon\n release.\n
Our team offers a unique perspective to\n help develop your project, having an insider's\n understanding of the current challenges associated with\n corrections. We'll work with you every step of the\n way to customize a solution that suits your specific\n needs.\n
\n Reach out with the details, and we'll
\n collaborate to craft your desired outcome!\n
Contact Us
\n\n {job.location}\n
\n\n Join us as we build a better justice system,{' '}\n \n
\n from the inside, out.\n \n
\n We will be sure to get back to you as soon as\n possible.\n
\n\n Whether you're interested in hiring our developers,\n bringing our programs or technology to your state, or\n supporting our mission, we'd love to hear from you!\n
\n\n Thank you for applying. We will review your\n application shortly.\n
\n\n Unlocked Labs is a non-profit organization that\n partners with correctional educators and state\n corrections departments to design technology\n infrastructure to better deploy programs and track\n outcomes, in order to understand efficacy and inform\n best practices in the justice system.\n
\n\n Our team, which includes justice-impacted software\n developers, technology industry experts, and\n education and corrections professionals, works to:{' '}\n
\n\n Unlocked Labs' theory of change is that, by\n empowering individuals to take charge of their own\n futures, we can both unlock their upward mobility\n and create a fairer justice system. This applies to\n our employees, too: it's important to us that\n our team members can pursue the skills and projects\n they want to build their long-term future. Not only\n are we a mission-aligned organization, but\n individual growth and satisfaction is paramount to\n our organization's success. Have an idea that\n you want to roll out? Want to change up one of our\n processes or implement new software? Looking to\n learn a new skill and apply it? Come up with a plan\n and pitch it; we'll give feedback around\n implementing it.{' '}\n
\n\n We also provide a wide range of benefits:{' '}\n
\nCareer not found.
\n\n We're{' '}\n \n breaking the cycle\n \n
of re-incarceration.\n
\n Over half our team has direct experience in corrections,\n providing a real understanding of the issues and effective\n solutions. As a close-knit team of passionate technologists,\n our dedication lies in building a system that nurtures\n individuals to reach their full potential, fostering a safer\n and more just society for all.\n
\n \n